Main Instruments
1.Home-made optical qPlus-based SPM system
Homemade STM:
Lowest working temperature: 6.2K; XY drift at LHe: <1pm/min ; Helium consumption: <2L/day
Frequency resolution: 20mHz; center frequency of ∼30 kHz; Q factor of qPlus sensor up to 140,000;
Electric noise floor of the background current: 5fA/Hz^1/2;
Oscillation amplitude of ∼2 pm without excitation;
For more information, please refer to B. Cheng. et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 043701 (2022).
Patent number: ZL202120697032.7; ZL202022241934.8; ZL202121333378.5
2.Home-made ultrafast laser combined STM system
Homemade STM:
Lowest working temperature: 5.4K±5mK; XY drift at LHe: <0.1pm/min ; Helium consumption: <1L/day
Maitai HP laser:
Pulse duration: <100fs; Average power: >2.5W; Wavelength: 690-1020nm(with BBO:345-510nm) ;
Repetition frequency: 80MHz
Nanosecond laser:
Pulse duration: <20ns; Average power: >6W; Wavelength: 532nm and 355nm;
Repetition frequency: 30kHz or triggered externally
3. Our home-made NV-AFM system
Home-made NV-AFM in ambient:
AFM: horizontal resolution <10nm; vertical resolution <300pm; Q factor >2000
Confocal: spatial resolution <700nm; photon efficiency: >200kcts/s per NV
Microwave: bandwidth <6GHz; rabi >10MHz
NV: Spin contrast> 15%; T2 >20us
Patent number: ZL202021914791.6; ZL20210696989.X; ZL202010922734.0; ZL202010922767.5

4. qPlus-based SPM system
Createc STM/AFM:
Lowest working temperature 5K±5mK; XY drift: <0.003nm/min; Helium consumption: <1L/day;
Frequency resolution: 20mHz; Q factor of qPlus sensor: >80,000
5. Transport-compatible SPM system
Createc STM/AFM:
Lowest working temperature 5K±5mK; XY drift: <0.003nm/min; Helium consumption: <4L/3day;
Frequency resolution: 20mHz; Q factor of qPlus sensor: >80,000
1D(perpendicular to the sample)magenetic field: 0~2T
6.Vibration isolated foundation
7.Our home-made portable UHV chamber
8.Our home-made MBE doser
Doser version1(left): heating temperature > 1000℃, water cooling.
Doser version2(right): heating temperature > 1200℃, water cooling.

Labaratory and Student Office:

1. B103, East of Physics Building

2. B276, West of Physics Building

3. B217, Integrated Research Building(综合科研楼)

4. B120, Integrated Research Building(综合科研楼)

Open positions:

One to two PH.D students each year.

One post-doctor position open.

Jiang   Lab
Address: W568, Physics Building of Peking University, No.209 Chengfu Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100871  |  Tel: +86-10-62757177  |  E-mail:
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